Wiley and Hilton (2018) emphasized OER-enabled pedagogy is closely related to the creation, use and sharing of OER, such as videos, podcasts and so on. OER-enabled pedagogy, which refers to the set of teaching and learning practices that are used in the context of the 5R permissions. 5Rs are retain, reuse, revise, remix and redistribute. In addition, four parts are important to qualify OER-enabled pedagogy. Firstly, students are recommended by teachers to create new artifacts. Secondly, new artifact has other values beyond supporting learning. Thirdly, students are invited to publicly share their creation. Fourthly, students are invited to openly licese their artifacts. Further, Wiley and Hilton (2018) illustrated certain examples of OER-enabled pedagogy in practical teaching environments.

I am impressed by Digital Photography course at Mountain Heights Academy. After permission, teachers can present students’ excellent photos as examples and even integrate them into the course design. OER-enabled pedagogy is well used in this kind of course design. Firstly, teachers can use these open resources for students in the subsequent semesters. This provides well-performed students a better chance to get engaged in course design. And they might probably be able to serve as teaching assistants to give advice or scaffold students to complete the courses. This is to say, more students would be inspired by the brilliant examples and recreate their own artwork.

It reminds me of the setting of Assignment 3 in this course, which is in accordance with OER-enabled pedagogy. When I first read the requirement, I got confused since I had no idea about what digital portfolio was. I guessed it was about a digital photo  album with a list of the outcomes about previous discussions. After reading the six example digital portfolios, I realized that I should also include the reflection on my learning. During the course, I have some obstacles or confusions. And after analyzing the reading materials and peer replies, I would gain inspirations and theories to overcome these problems. Therefore, I should also think about how to apply what I have learned in this course into teaching. OER-enabled pedagogy is in support of future distributed and open teaching. Generally speaking, OER-enabled pedagogy is a guideline for me in the future teaching career.



Wiley, D. & Hilton, J. (2018). Defining OER-enabled Pedagogy. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 19(4).